Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Making A Way For Everyone in Africa


Poor water and sanitation are major factors in Zambia’s high rates of childhood malnutrition (40 per cent stunting) and mortality (seven per cent of live births) (Source)

WayMaker believes that water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services should be available to everyone in Zambia and in deed sub-Saharan Africa.

An estimated 4.8 million Zambians lack regular access to clean water (Source), with many communities having no running water, let alone clean, fresh water. 

Many rural communities rely on collecting water from polluted streams and rivers, often travelling great distances to do so. 

This impacts the ability of families to be self-sustaining as their ability to water their fields and animals is determined by their access to fresh clean water.

WayMaker is committed to drilling community boreholes in rural communities that are eager to improve Sanitation and Hygiene as well as developing a community approach to farming and self-sustainability.

Working with Community Leaders we will look at donating a borehole, water tank and solar pump and providing training in Foundations for Farming and Poultry Production


It is estimated that 6.6 million lack access to adequate sanitation facilities (Source).

33 per cent of the population uses a basic sanitation service (Long Drop) and 10 per cent of the population practices open defecation! (Unicef)

Working with Community Leaders WAyMaker will look at helping to provide the necessary materials to develop better sanitation as part of an overall package of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.


This makes hygiene, hand washing, or washing of any kind, a luxury that comes a long way down the list of priorities after the need to drink and hydrate, to irrigate crops and water livestock.

24 per cent of the population has access to basic hygiene services, i.e. a handwashing facility with soap and water (36 per cent urban, 15 per cent rural) (Unicef)

Working with Community Leaders we will look at donating a borehole, water tank and solar pump and providing training in Foundations for Farming and Poultry Production as well as providing education on hygiene.

Making A Way

Climate Change Resilience

As the effects of man-made climate change become more pronounced, water shortages are becoming more common throughout Africa, with Southern Africa identified as a particular climate change hotspot. (Source)

WayMaker look to help communities develop Climate Change Resilience with a combination of Farming Techniques, provision of water through community boreholes and education. 

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