Food Security

Making A Way For Subsistence Farmers in Africa

Foundations for Farming

This is Climate-smart Conservation Agriculture that enables farmers to sustain themselves on a tiny piece of land, heal the soil and nourish it for future generations.

It can be combined with our WaSH initiative too which provides farmers with fresh water too.

Poultry Production

An initiative to broaden the farmers’ products through a chicken-rearing cooperative, with the aim of generating an additional flow of cash to supplement their subsistence farming

Making A Way


All of our projects and initiatives are funded through WayMaker International UK as a result of donations from individuals or other organisations who, like us are committed to generating and sharing personal and corporate wealth to help balance an unbalanced world.

If you would like to help make a way where there is no way for the poor, sick, marginalised, uneducated, and displaced then please join in with your donation.

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