Foundations for Farming

Making A Way For Subsistence Farmers in Africa

Foundations for Farming

This is Climate-smart Conservation Agriculture that enables farmers to sustain themselves on a tiny piece of land, heal the soil and nourish it for future generations.

It can be combined with our WaSH initiative too which provides farmers with fresh water too.

The poorest in the world are often hungry, have much less access to education, regularly have no light at night, and suffer from much poorer health.

84% of the world’s 608 million farms are smallholdings; that is, farms less than two hectares in size. Tragically, many small-scale farmers do not even produce enough food for themselves. They are among the poorest people in the world.

Various factors add more pressure to small scale farmers like the loss of arable land, the world’s growing population and land distribution issues. In the past 40 years more than 30% of the world’s arable land has been lost due to soil erosion, climate change, pollution, continual ploughing and heavy fertilization

Conventional farming methods see yields decline and costs rise. We are the first step in transforming farms to apply conservation agriculture, agroforestry, composting and more. Although we focus on small-holdings, the Foundations for Farming principles have been applied from the smallest garden to the largest commercial farm. The Founder of Foundations for Farming, Brian Oldreive, farmed 3,500 Ha using this system and set a national maize yield record that stood for 20 years in Zimbabwe. Some of the many benefits are less soil erosion, efficient water management, improved bio-density and nutrition of the food and increased biodiversity. Climate-smart farming reduces the impact of droughts and makes plants stronger to withstand pests and diseases.

(Source: FfF)

What You Will Learn

You will learn the minimal requirements to be self-sufficient and how to generate a surplus from your land. We want to help you escape poverty, have a nutritional diet, improve the environment and generate enough surplus to build a better future for yourself and your family.

Location & Costs

Our trainer can come to your location and train you, and as many in your community as you would like to attend. This is a more expensive option but is most cost-effective if you have many farmers in your community wanting to be trained. 

There are also grants available where a whole community would like to be trained and adopt these techniques.


We can arrange for you to attend one of our training locations.

Courses at Our Site

Pfumvudza is the name given to a plot farmed with the FFF techniques

Introduction in Pfumvudza four-hour training, which instructs farmers on how to setup, plant and manage their plot. Cost: free

One day infield Pfumvudza training. Cost: $15 including lunch & teas and training materials 

Three-day advanced training on Conservation Agriculture for extension workers, Agritex officers or farmers: Cost $120/person and includes 4 nights accom, meals, teas and training materials.

Grants, Bursaries & Support

WayMaker International UK is the fundraising arm helping and supporting WayMaker Africa by providing funds and grants to projects and communities to help Make a Way Where there is no way.

There are grants available where whole communities would like to consider taking on Foundations for Farming (and possibly WaSH too). 

So, if you, your friends, or your community would like to discuss making a way for one of our trainers to come to you, to train you, and help you to implement the Foundations for Farming techniques then please contact us for a preliminary discussion.

From there we will probably arrange a visit by a WayMaker Ambasador to come and meet with you and others in your community who would like to be trained to assess your suitability for a grant.

Please contact us without obligation for an inital chat. 

Making A Way


Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) is a key issue in Africa and is strongly linked with Food Security and Foundations for Farming

WayMaker Africa is committed to partnering with rural community leaders to provide clean, fresh and free water by drilling community boreholes.

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